Finally, One Plus 6 comes with an all-new OxygenOS Beta 1based on Android Pie platform, so start upgrading!
Android Pie has been on the market for some time now. Now there are a few while mobile phone manufactures got their updates straight away. There are others who had to wait to roll out the update, even being a part of Google’s beta program. OnePlus is one of them which has taken some time. Now the OnePlus 6‘ will come equipped with Beta 1 based on Android 9 pie. You can now easily download all new Android Pie 1 and flash it on OnePlus 6 straightaway.
Now OnePlus 6 will be sporting OxygenOS Open Beta 1. Till then OnePlus has been working to get all OxygenOS features on the Android Pie platform. Their endeavor towards this is quite successful. The project achieved most of its goals, and test results are satisfactory. So we can expect better things from the first Open Beta 1 on OnePlus 6. Please take a look at some of the changelog below:
Update system to Android Pie :
- An entirely new UI for Android Pie.
- New gesture navigation for Android Pie.
- Other new add-on features and system improvements.
Integrated customized features of OnePlus :
- Customization of Accent Color
- ‘Do not disturb’ mode with adjustable settings.
- ‘Gaming Mode 3.0’
- New ‘Text Notification’ Mode.
- Also added a notification for any 3rd party calls.
So OnePlus 6 with its new OxygenOS comes with a lot of new updates. Adding to this you can avail Android Pie’s latest features as well. This includes app switcher, a new Material Design interface, Adaptive Battery and many more. You can choose anyone from the following: OnePlus’ gestures, Android Pie’s gestures, or the stock three-button navigation buttons. The accent color customization already came in an earlier version of Android Pie Beta. The ‘Gaming Mode 3.0’ is a new addition to the latest beta for the OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 5T.
Open Beta 1 is not 100 % flawless though. It has issues as well. Few of them appended here :
- Some applications may not function as per expectation expected on this beta version
- Google Pay service is not working correctly.
- There can be a possibility that Google Play Store might show “Device is not Certified by Google”
Other than that, if you are looking to explore something new, can give a try to see how it works. Check out the flashing instructions below :
Steps to update from Stable official version to Android Pie Beta version:
- Please download the ROM upgrade package from the particular server
- Now copy the ROM upgrade package to the mobile phone storage.
- Go to Settings, then to system updates, then top right corner icon, after that local upgrade, then click on the installation package and finally upgrade.
- After the system upgraded to 100 %, please select the Reboot system and complete the update.
Steps for upgrading from Developer Preview version to Android Pie Beta version:
- Please download the latest ROM upgrade package from the specified server [HERE].
- Now copy the ROM upgrade package to the mobile phone storage.
- Go to Settings, then to system updates, then top right corner icon, after that local upgrade, then click on the installation package and finally upgrade.
- Now press the power button and select to shut down.
- After that select Reboot system
- You have to press the power button + volume rocker down to enter the recovery mode.
- Now select wipe data/factory reset, click on power, select yes and confirm.
- Now Select Reboot system and complete the update.